There are two half earths, one at the top and one at the bottom. From and to are the
destinations for all the Americans. Only the Native Americans or the so called American Indians
(dumb Columbus, he thought he was in India) are the true residents of North America. Everyone else, including the forefathers of current generations and all the naturalized American citizens have come to America with one goal in their mind: The Mighty $ (Dollar). They leave their families, friends, culture, food, and values, and uproot themselves with the skills they
have—doctors, scientists, writers, computer engineers, even the peace advocates, and artists.
They move to the new land for that Mighty Dollar. That’s why the half earth on the top shows the dollar bill on the American map. Everyone in America has come there for that dollar. That’s what my American friend told me. There are some high end scientists, artists who would challenge that. But exceptions make the rule.
However in the migration process, depicted with the jet circles around the migrant
(myself), we all crucify ourselves.