I found this photograph in a Smithsonian magazine while visiting the Czech museum in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. My friend who was with me was quite confused about the abstract pattern in the middle. I told him that those were the baseball diamonds in Central Park. There are 7 of them right next to each other. They do look rather abstract. It was a detail photograph. I started showing my friend the other landmarks. They all were there, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History, the famous Fifth Avenue, Plaza Hotel, Empire State Building and Chrysler Building as well as the World Trade Towers, a couple of bridges, and part of New Jersey. I tried to capture all those landmarks in my linear painting. Since then, several of my friends have pointed out numerous places that, they were able to recognize in the painting.
There is a co-incidence about this painting that is quite shocking. I finished this painting late at night. The last adjustment I made was that I brightened the values (darks and lights) of the two tall buildings at the very top of the painting, the World Trade Towers. The painting was finished! I was delighted and pleased with the results. I was going to sign it right then, but decided to wait until the next day, which is when I signed it. IT WAS 9/11/01!